China is a thousand year old civilization. While others have fallen, changed the alphabet and language, China is still firmly in their ancient bones.
The scope is the whole of Europe. The giant country holds more than one billion people and almost as many habitat types. It has the world's highest mountain range, Yangtseflodens cloves, Sinkiangs desolate expanses and a long coastline. In the north face immense grasslands, frosty pine forests and dry desert. In the south, the moisture hangs heavy over the tropical island of Hainan, over cikadabrusande bamboo jungle and Southeast Asian gentle Xishuangbanna.
The Middle Kingdom is mixed facts with tales and legends. It is adjacent to the supernatural becomes the China Light truth. It happened in 1974 when over 7000 terracotta soldiers suddenly awakened to life after 2000 years of rest. And it happens each time someone passes through the Forbidden city gates and enters a fantasy world of corrugated tile roofs and red palace courtyards.
China is the area about as large as the United States, but packs a plethora of different languages and four times more people. Han Chinese dominate and account for 92 percent of the population. Long kept the country isolated, partly through the unruly nature. Those who came here had to cross the high mountain passes, deserts, rain forests and oceans. Today, both geographic and political isolation has been broken. China are still subject to a totalitarian regime, but the ruling has for several decades embraced capitalist thinking and opened up the country for both free travel and international trade.
The economy is expansive and teens terms impatient. The Chinese market is predicted a bright future. But while the winds of change reached several areas, puffing were unfortunately neither managed to revive the country's democratic rights or blocking power from committing repeated violations of human rights. The treatment of the annexation of Tibet and several minority groups remains an eyesore. Death penalty imposed routinely and corruption is a major problem. Meanwhile, China is a country of great change. Parallel to a poor rural is an all köpstarkare and consumption hungry urban population. New limitless communication, internet and mobile phones, is about to open up new opportunities.
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